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The BelArabi Podcast and Video Series
فما هي تلك الحرية إلا أن يحيا الفرد ويعمل كما يشاء بشرط ألّا يضر بالغير.
أحمد لطفي السيد
In partnership with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the Bayt Al-Hikma 2.0 Foundation is announcing the launch of the BelArabi program, a new initiative to support free voices and inspiring stories in the Arab world.
Giving a platform to voices and stories that deserve to be told.
BelArabi is a new podcast and video series that uplifts the voices of freedom and inspiration in the Arab world.
I admire he who thinks life is one thing and freedom is another, and does not want to be convinced that freedom is the first ingredient of life and that there is no life but freedom.
Ahmed Lotfy El-Sayed
The Guest Lineup
Yara Asmar
Strategic Director of the Middle East Branch of FNFF
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Episode 1
Meet Your Host, Maher Gabra
Maher Gabra is a journalist, writer and digital content producer interested in issues of individual freedoms, women's and minorities rights, and intellectual and religious reform in the Middle East. Previously, he worked as an editor in chief for the digital division of the Middle East Broadcasting Network (MBN). He has articles on many Arab and American sites, and he writes a weekly article for Al-Hurra.
The organizations behind the podcast
Ideas Without Borders is the sponsor of the Bayt Al Hikma 2.0 translation program. We share, translate, and support ideas that foster critical thinking, civil rights, human rights, science and pluralism among other ideas. We aim to foster a diverse and pluralistic Middle East that is made by and for the people of the region.
The Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is a creative platform that supports innovation and liberal thought. As a German non-governmental organization, we work with our partners in the MENA region to support the strengthening of the rule of law, the social market economy, democratic institutions, and civil society participation.